Friday, April 10, 2009

Smooth sailing so far and news from the front

Liz is home now about a week - and feeling happy to be there. Thaddeus repainted the back room looking over the lake so that is all fresh and cheery. Ave will be helping Liz shop for a new lounge chair to put in there and then Liz will be sitting pretty in that great sunny room that gets the perfect afternoon sun right around naptime. Aaaah. Naptime!

Doctor's appts. have begun and so far all seems right on track. It's a little slower paced than Liz would like but overall, smooth sailing.

Keep those cards and letters coming folks. Who doesn't like to find a note amongst all the electronically produced junk mail?

Damien arrives from France on 4/20 for a month.

News from the Noll front, Ave's daughter Bernadette Grace and her husband Tom brought home their new baby boy born on April 7th, Cash Rider Schilling.

May the circle be open but unbroken.

Friday, April 3, 2009

This just in from Liz herself...

I am happy to say I am home as of Thursday afternoon and really joyful to have survived the journey so far. I feel very fortunate to be in such a good place and am feeling stronger each day... I am very, very grateful for everyone's prayers, notes and cards and especially the encouraging words. Thank you all..... you have certainly helped me reach this point. I am one very lucky lady!!! Hugs to each, Liz

Home again, home again, jiggety jig

Or, as Uncle Frank pointed out, "She returned home, tired but happy."* Liz returned home yesterday and was thrilled to be there. Ave spent the night with her and reported that Liz was thrilled that she "made it through" Gay will be with her tonight.

Liz is feeling good. And we are happy for that.

Keep those cards and letters coming folks!

Love to all,

*that saying is from Gertrude Mangan Rienzo, mom to Liz. That was what she'd say each time they returned home after a day trip somewhere.