Sunday, November 8, 2009

A few days before the Florida departure

Visited Dean in the Cemetary this morning to have a little chat. Also visited friends there. I found these words on one stone which made I would like to share.

"When you are sorrowful look into your heart and you will see that in truth you weep for that which was your delight".

This impacted me! -- Dean's partner

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Jersey Boys review

SPECTACULAR !! At least 4 standing ovations throughout the show! I went last night with Ave, Barry, Gabriella!! and Tim. We went with the Parsippany Adult Education on a charter bus from the high school and came home tired AND really Happy! Singing too!

Even if you don't have a Jersey connection you will love it or I will cheerfully refund your money and label you "impossible ". The music of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons is so wonderful and joyful;
the story holds you; the staging is very smart and there isn't a bad seat in the house. If you have any Italian it adds a familiar note.

On Tuesdays the show time is 7 PM so you are on your way home by 9:45 PM.

It is a celebratory show, fun and memorable. Go if at all possible - great anniversary event. Your reviewer, Liz Noll

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Grandma's Movie Review

Every now and again my mom sends out great movie reviews: heartfelt, personal, and thoughtful. I'm going to start posting them here for all to read. I always appreciate the perspective and thought you might too.

Here goes. The first one for Julie and Julia


Eunice and I just came from seeing the movie "Julie and Julia". It is a winner! Whether you like to cook or just like to eat (or neither) you will come out happy.

The cast is great and the settings are either Paris or Long Island City, NY. Both are fascinating for different reasons. Since I was a Truant officer in Long Island City on these same streets in years gone by I had an immediate attachment to L.I.C......

The story is real and you get caught up in the lives of both ladies. Two great love stories too. BON APPETIT! The non-cook, Liz

Bernadette - you will be interested too in the struggle to get their books published.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Jersey Bound

Hey grandma its Lucy. I can't wait for our times together with my parents there and without them and Dean. I love you so much and can't wait to be there sitting in the same room as you. i got a blog and i'm so excited to see what happens with it hope you look at it. By the way my blog is

I love you and can't wait to see you,
your granddaughter lucy

see you thursday night

Thursday, June 11, 2009

4th of July

Are you coming to the fourth of July festivities in Indian Lake? If you're reading this, you're invited! Just made our plans and we are super excited!!! If you're coming, leave a comment here!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

From Liz today...

Saw the cardiologist yesterday A N D he took me off the coumadin. This is a big step and makes life less complicated for me. I won't feel the cold as much , won't have a problem with bleeding and premedicating for other surgurgies, etc.

Have to check my heart rate daily and if it stays in the normal range I will be all set.

Am heading to Misericordia tomorrow for my 62nd reunion. It is always fun. Have a few classmates left , maybe 4 able to attend.

Thank you all for your encouragement. I feel very fortunate to have you all.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

4th of July

the fourth of July is fast approaching and we are getting ready...... We have a lot to celebrate this year with 3 new babies in our family since the last 4th, lots of graduations, First Communions and a wedding or two and my successful surgery. JOY! JOY ! JOY!!!

We will start at about 1PM as usual and go until the children get cranky and the oldsters fall asleep. the food will all be here. Bring yourselves, any pictures, a chair if needed and Bathing suits plus a dessert to share -- .

Justin Noll is revving up for the wrestling match on the raft so start lifting weights NOW.

Any questions, write or call. 973-627-2128

pass it on to anyone you think may miss this notice!!!

I am excited to see you all -- it promises to be a fun summer. Liz and family

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A mandated update

I was told by a much higher power than me (no, not God, Uncle Frank!) that I should keep on blogging. So I am! And I will.

So Liz is home now for a few weeks. She is feeling stronger everyday. Damien has been in from France for a few weeks - away this one in Chicago - and then back again for a few more days at week's end. Everyday Liz tries to walk a little bit - down the block and back is feeling like an effort but everyday a little bit easier than the day before.

The blood pressure continues to be a weirdly inconsistent issue. Trying different meds in an effort to keep that regulated but nothing has proven completely effective as of yet.

Other than that, I think that's really about it for now. Or at least as much info as I have. (I just tried to call for a true update but got an old fashioned busy signal)

So, that's all for now folks. Keep those cards and letters coming!

Austin, TX

p.s. if anyone listens to CBS news radio, listen soon for a story about Slow Family living. They interviewed us today.

And, for you Beantowners, check out The Boston Globe this coming Sunday for a story about Slow Family.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Smooth sailing so far and news from the front

Liz is home now about a week - and feeling happy to be there. Thaddeus repainted the back room looking over the lake so that is all fresh and cheery. Ave will be helping Liz shop for a new lounge chair to put in there and then Liz will be sitting pretty in that great sunny room that gets the perfect afternoon sun right around naptime. Aaaah. Naptime!

Doctor's appts. have begun and so far all seems right on track. It's a little slower paced than Liz would like but overall, smooth sailing.

Keep those cards and letters coming folks. Who doesn't like to find a note amongst all the electronically produced junk mail?

Damien arrives from France on 4/20 for a month.

News from the Noll front, Ave's daughter Bernadette Grace and her husband Tom brought home their new baby boy born on April 7th, Cash Rider Schilling.

May the circle be open but unbroken.

Friday, April 3, 2009

This just in from Liz herself...

I am happy to say I am home as of Thursday afternoon and really joyful to have survived the journey so far. I feel very fortunate to be in such a good place and am feeling stronger each day... I am very, very grateful for everyone's prayers, notes and cards and especially the encouraging words. Thank you all..... you have certainly helped me reach this point. I am one very lucky lady!!! Hugs to each, Liz

Home again, home again, jiggety jig

Or, as Uncle Frank pointed out, "She returned home, tired but happy."* Liz returned home yesterday and was thrilled to be there. Ave spent the night with her and reported that Liz was thrilled that she "made it through" Gay will be with her tonight.

Liz is feeling good. And we are happy for that.

Keep those cards and letters coming folks!

Love to all,

*that saying is from Gertrude Mangan Rienzo, mom to Liz. That was what she'd say each time they returned home after a day trip somewhere.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Rehab coming to an end

My mom's stay in rehab has been fantastic. The people have been great, the services fantastic and the general energy of the place has really served her well. Every day a little more progress and a little more strength.

The blood pressure was the only trouble she was experiencing and with some new meds that seems to be getting under control as well. Definitely something to be mindful of though.

It looks like Thursday will be the day she returns home to Denville - that's the word right now. Stay tuned for confirmation. Spirits are good and the body is getting stronger. Hallelujah!

xo Bernadette

Sunday, March 29, 2009

For all you Denville folks...

I just heard from Ave, who heard from Mrs. Mutz's granddaughter Michelle, that Mrs. Mutz had a big fall this past week. She took a terrible fall outside and fractured both her hip and arm. She had surgery 3/27 to repair her hip. Michelle said she is devastated and thinks notes and cards would go a long way to cheer her up.

If you want to send her a card, her address is:
Helen Mutz
36 Shawger Road
Denville, NJ 07834-1023

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

2 steps forward

A few steps forward and a half a step back. That's the way of this kind of procedure I'm told. The forward motion is consistent but an occasional minor setback is inevitable. Today a higher blood pressure than normal. Walk halted. Meds changed. Back to bed with you Mrs. Noll. And right before she turned off the phone for an afternoon nap I snuck in a little chat. So, lucky me.

Spirits still sound good. Ave has been told to take a few days hiatus when Thad arrives this afternoon. Bernagrace awaits her baby which apparently has dropped nice and low. The sun is out up there in Jersey and signs of spring are sneaking in.

Here in Texas our 2nd grader is off to the rodeo for a class trip. Our kindergartener has mastered the skipping of one bar on the monkey bars. Our 5th grader has a sewing project due tomorrow and our wee 2.5 year old has perfected his use of the word NO! while he runs in the opposite direction.

Love to all,

Monday, March 23, 2009

Room 455

Right across the hall from her old room. And the staff at Rehab was quite pleased to have her back! She'll be there probably about 10 days or so.

I talked to Liz tonight and she sounded super strong - like her old self. I read her the many blog comments and she was pleased and grateful for all the good wishes and strong prayers.

Bernadette of Austin, TX

Back in the rehab again

As of just a few short moments ago, Liz is heading back to R.I.M.M. (Rehab Institute of Morristown Memorial.) We'll get the room number to you as soon as we get it.

Keep those cards and letters coming my friends...

95 Mt. Kemble Avenue
Morristown, NJ 07960

Sunday, March 22, 2009

On the upswing once again

Liz is feeling a little better each day - physically and mentally. Spirits are good and the situation with her heart's erratic heartbeats seems to be leveling off. Good news.

Liz will be in the hospital probably until Wednesday and then be moved again to the rehab. Stay tuned for details on that.

Thaddeus is flying in Wednesday from Colorado and will be in NJ about a week - or more if need be giving Ave and Gay a much needed break from hospital time. Bringing in energy reserves is always a good thing.

Love to all and happy spring!


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Here's what we know about this situation. 25-30% of people are in this same situation post surgery. It should clear up with medication and time. Won't be a chronic thing. So, with that in mind, we are trusting that all will be well.

Stay tuned,

News today

Liz was readmitted to the hospital this morning after suffering from a high blood pressure that wouldn't go down and also irregular heart beat which Alma says is not unusual as the heart tries to get back to normal. We'll post more as we know but right now that's all we've got.

Send calm thoughts because Liz was really trying to maintain a feeling of calm.


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Greetings from Texas

Okay, this is a little self serving but what the hell, I'm putting it up here anyway...

A collaborative card from the Texas grandkids

Room number please?

Liz with the very pregnant Bernadette Grace in Room 452.

Liz Noll
Room 452
95 Mt. Kemble Avenue
Morristown, NJ 07960

She really has loved all the cards and notes so far so keep 'em coming folks! They really have meant a lot to her.

Austin, TX

Monday, March 16, 2009

The transport has been made

It was an exhausting ride via ambulance from the hospital to the rehab center. Today Liz entered Rimm: Rehabilitation Institute at Morristown Memorial. She will be there an as yet undetermined amount of time but possibly 3 weeks. The address is 95 Mt. Kemble Avenue, Morristown, NJ 07960. She will be receiving messages on her cell phone and will take and return calls when she feels willing and/or able.

Notes, cards and letters of support would be greatly appreciated. If you are in the NJ area and would like to visit please email me the day you will be able to go and we will try to coordinate days so as not to overwhelm. The rehab is tiring and too many visitors can be as well.

My email is

Bernadette Noll
Austin, TX

Saturday, March 14, 2009

This just in...

Rienzo Reunion circa 1961 (before my time!)

Looks like rehab will actually be THREE weeks which Lizzie seems happy about. That means until early April. The rehab is in Morristown right near the town square. (Gay's reference was Epstein's but I don't think they're there anymore) Visitors will be accepted there but overload is an issue so we'll figure out a way of checking in before popping in. Stay tuned on that one.

Love to all,
Bernadette of Austin, TX


The latest is, in the words of Amy Winehouse, "They say I gotta go to Rehab baby, I say, yeah, yeah, yeah." So, Liz will be leaving the hospital on Monday and heading to the Rehab center for about a week's time - or as long as they'll allow her I suppose. This is happy news because while she's looking forward to getting out of the hospital, she's not exactly crazy about heading home just yet.

So, stay tuned and I'll have the name. I forgot to get that info.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Aah, modern technology is amazing!

Within minutes of taking this picture in the hospital in New Jersey it can be sent to me in Texas and then put up here for all the world to see: Lizzie's incision! I love it!!!

First steps

Liz took her first walk today. Down the hall a ways and back. She felt good and was surprised and amazed at her success.

The rehab nurse was in this morning to help her and discuss the possibilities for rehab next week. It's looking good for a stint in rehab after the hospital. Liz was advised to "not walk too far" so that medicaid and all the powers that be would deem it acceptable to pay for rehab instead of sending her home straight away.

So, all continues to shine onward and upward she goes!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Grandma's got a new heart


I talked to Liz just now and she sounded AMAZING!!! She was sitting up and eating jello and feeling so grateful and good. And she also wanted to send out a big hug and a thanks to everyone for their prayers and love that she has felt coming her way.

Stay tuned for updates and take a deep breathe and a pause and give thanks for our happy news!!!!

Austin, TX

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

This is Liz talking...

As we know and love her!!! Tan and talking!

check back

after 9:30 a.m. eastern time for a status update. As per Alma's instructions, as per doctor's orders.

Already laughing at life

As of 5:30 this evening Liz was off the ventilator and talking and laughing and happy to be alive. As she awoke from the anesthesia she thought she still hadn't had the surgery and was joyfully relieved to realize it was over. She is happy, happy, happy that it's done and happy, happy, happy that she's feeling so good. Rita was shocked at how good she was.

Oh, and she has one black eye because yesterday when she was getting the mail in her slippers (!) she tripped coming up the steps and bonked her head on the cement. Ouch! But Alma said it gives her a jaunty, sort of sporty look.

The latest news (via france)

I can definitively say it was a pig valve. My sources have asked not to be disclosed. The picture above is a pig valve, I find it somewhat revolting, and strangely attractive. What do you think?
Thank you for your concern, it will continue to be used during the recovery. Love heals all wounds, keep it coming.

Second one from the left, bottom row

The smaller vertical cut is the one Liz got which should be a simple recovery!

The question still remains...

pig or cow? Nonetheless, the surgery went fantastically well. They were able to do a small incision instead of big, which means quicker recovery, and the doctor said all looked good.

Alma, Gay and Ave are at the hospital with Jan and Charles. Rita will arrive later in the day. Alma is relieved that Rita will be there so she won't have to pretend to still hold all her medical knowledge. Though we still say even with all Alma forgot, she still knows more than the rest of us combined.

MOre updates later - she should be out of recovery by 11:00 or so eastern time.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Hospital day

Today is the admission and then tomorrow a.m. at 7:30 is the scheduled operation. In addition to the regularly attending crew Ave and Gay, Alma is in the house and Rita Rienzo is coming tomorrow from a conference at Seton Hall. I believe Greg is also taking the day off to be at the hospital. And of course I, down here in Austin, TX, am having serious F.M.S.* not to be confused with S.F.M.**

Check in tomorrow mid-morning for updates.

xo Bernadette Noll
Austin, TX

*'Fraid of Missing Something
**Slow Family Movement

Sunday, March 8, 2009

A message from Texas

Thinking of you today Mom as you get ready to head to the hospital tomorrow! Wish we were there. Really and truly we do.

xo and Love,
Bern, Kenny, Lucy, Otto, Esme and Dean

By the way, the signs say GET WELL GRANDMA !

Friday, March 6, 2009

Loretta and Mrs. Bush

In case Loretta calls any one -- this is what they can say in response to any questions she has re my surgery............

I am telling her this afternoon that I am going to have some work done in the hospital and I will be there for a few days. "I am copy-catting Mrs. Bush" and making my heart healthier so I will have more energy.

the less explanation the better. If she realizes Alma is here --say it is because she has Spring break and thought it a good time to visit.

You may all think this is hyper on my part but if she thinks I am dying she will lose it and cause problems for her staff and us. When I do die will be time enough to deal with that problem. thanks , Mom, GMa, Liz

Saturday, February 28, 2009


Today marks the day - 84 years after the birth of Mary Elizabeth Cecilia Rienzo Noll. On Mulberry Street in NYC. Who knew just how monumental that day would be.

Happy Birthday Mom!!!

Friday, February 27, 2009

The date's been set

Finally, a date. Liz will go into the hospital on March 9th. Minimally invasive aortic valve replacement surgery is scheduled for Liz on March 10 at Morristown Memorial Hospital in New Jersey. She'll be in the hospital for 5-7 days. The hospital has recently been renovated and the heart wing is completely state of the art - beautiful, spacious and scientific. Form meeting function.

Dr. John Muir Brown will be performing the surgery - met him today for the first time and really liked him. His demeanor was accessible and knowledgeable and friendly. Plus, he's from a big family. Bonus.

So, there is relief in having a date set. And relief in the liking of the doctor. And relief in the state of the art hospital.

And I know relief for all of you to receive another blog post!!!

Love to all,
Austin, TX

Friday, February 20, 2009

A couple days difference

The surgeon's office changed the consult from the 25th to the 27th. Stay tuned...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

pardon the delay...

Pardon the delay. This came a couple of days ago from Liz...

I saw the cardiologist today for a follow up after the catheretization and a review of the next step. the procedure last Thursday was fine, no problems, and the point of entry in the groin is healed. The Cardiac surgeon is next. I will call him tomorrow and make an appointment for a consultation.

Dr. Watson said I definitely need the Aortic valve replaced and the window of opportunity is NOW. there are things against me but they will become worse with age so now is the time....... First of all, my age is a source of concern; my lung function is not excellent and the carotid arteries are 50% clogged - but not enough to treat them now. He feels that in spite of this I should do fine. He will arrange for in-patient REhab afterward at my request. So it is on to the next. I will admit I am worried but feel it is necessary to do. A Hug to each of you , Mom, GMa

p.s. dinner out this evening with Jan and Charles at Charlie Brown's down the street.
p.p.s. The car was picked up in Florida and will be delivered Monday or Tuesday for less than it would have cost to fly someone down and have them drive up - significantly less.

Monday, February 9, 2009

surgery dates?

Liz is relieved that the arteries were clean. Hooray for no by-pass surgery. The valve replacement surgery is now not such an emergency and will probably take place in the next couple of weeks. Around the 22nd or so. Alma will be flying home for that as she is still our go-to medical person in the immediate family though she will denied it if asked. But since she's forgotten less than the rest of us ever knew, that puts her in the number one seat. Way to go Alma!! Plus, she can always call Rita and Liz if she has any questions.

More as it comes.

xo Bernadette Noll coming to you live from Austin, TX

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Was the catheterization and it went well. As I type Liz is still in recovery but should be heading home in the next couple of hours. (5:30 E.T.) The arteries look good and the surgery is slated for next week but no exact date yet. Stay tuned folks.

Also, we would love it if you would leave a comment. It'd be fun to see who's here reading. I know it was a pain to post a comment before but I believe I've since fixed that problem.

More news as it comes.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

This just in...

Liz had a discussion with Rita Rienzo regarding the different valves and it seems the recommendation is either the pig valve or the cow. (Not the lion valve as Kenny recommended which would make her Lizzy, the lion hearted) Both of those have a 20-25 year lifespan and would not require the daily taking of a blood thinner - which can prove to be a real pain in the neck. Ultimately though the decision will be the doctor's so time will tell.


Our pastor, Father Martin, has just left. He came this morning at my request to give me the Sacrament of the Sick before my surgery. I know it can be healing as well as spiritually beneficial and I found it very comforting. we had a nice visit. He is very gracious and kind. so I feel I am off to a good start.

a request

Please don't anyone say anything to Loretta about my surgery. I am not telling her anything until it is all over! I told her I came north for a bad tooth and I needed my own dentist. After the Catheterization I will say I have to go in for some testing And then When I am rehabbing her staff will bring her to visit me. I talked to her staff Manager and this what we agreed to do. If Loretta knows beforehand she will be worried and therefore get out of hand and be like a crazy person. If I don't make it through then its your problem!! If


MONDAY 2/2/09----- Today was busy...blood work , then a lung function test and this afternoon a visit to the Endodontist. He has released me and has given permission for "full steam ahead" on the surgery.Thursday is the catheterization and the rest will follow. the big decision now, I guess, is pig valve, bovine valve or artificial valve?

Thursday, January 29, 2009

From the patient today...

Saw Dr. rosen today, a cardiologist, who will do the catherization on Feb. 5th providing the endodontist gives me the OK on Monday. 2/2. The catherization will tell if a by-pass and/or a stent are also needed. I will come home the same day providing no complications. If needed the surgeon will also fix those at the time of surgery. I am definitely going to Morristown Memorial . I am guessing it will be the week of Feb. 8th. That's all the news for now -- hugs to each of you. Love, MOm, GMa

Monday, January 26, 2009

News from the patient

This came tonight from the patient herself...

Just returned from the endodontist. He thinks my problem is "occlusion" and too much pressure on the sore tooth. He does not think I will need either a root canal job or extraction. WHEW!!!I am to stop the penicilin. the infection has cleared up. He examined and filed down high points on other teeth and I am to return in 7 days. Actually I had a similar problem last August. He was very encouraging and knowledgeable I felt. Saw the Cardiologist, richard Watson, this AM (Ave did all the chauffering). Had a carotid artery ultra sound also. Will have a pulmonary test on Thursday to check my lungs at Morristown memorial. After Monday we can make more decisions. Dr. Watson explained to Ave and myself the dangers of the surgery, age being a big factor and my iffy condition of the vascular system in general. I have a stent and had the left carotid artery cleaned out 5 years ago. The catherization (not scheduled yet) will also show if there is any other blockage. He also agrees with Florida MD's that it needs to be done, not tomorrow, but soon. am very happy to be here in NJ even with the cold. The "committee" here is wonderfully helpful and caring. Will keep you posted. So far so good .

last minute scoop

I just got off the phone with ave and liz. They had just come from the cardiologist and were en route to the endodentist. The cardi wants to do the surgery in the next week or two and it will depend on what the endo says about the tooth infection.
The big news is that liz, gma, mommie (justin-oh, oh) ms. noll will be having the surgery in morristown memorial hospital as opposed to the newark hospital (beth sinai isreal mont hollyhock or something like that). That decision was taken for multiple reasons, one being the fact that they do the most open heart surgeries in NJ, another being the highly rated aftercare reputation of Mo-town.
Liz... feels good and is ready to do what needs to be done. She is happy to have the COMMITEE in place in NJ, and she gives a shout out to all who have joined in making her latest experience as stress free as possible.
Like all operations, this one is not without risks, the main one being her age. Though the doctor said she is in general good health (tooth not withstanding) and they are optimistic for the outcome. Without the operation the outcome is definite, hence the operation.
Thanks for the prayers, positive thoughts and letters of good wishes. Keep them coming.

(filed at 23:01 gmt-1 by scoop)

Friday, January 23, 2009

what's next

There is an infected tooth which is slightly in the way of progress. The endodontist will look at that on Monday and from there decisions will be made about when the heart valve surgery can take place.

I talked to Ave this morning and she is in Florida with Uncle Frank and Liz. Liz and Ave are getting on a plane this morning and heading to NJ on Continental flight 477.

Liz is super glad to have an escort for this journey home and all of us siblings are super grateful that Ave could get down there so quickly to be the one to do the escorting.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

since my Florida idea was shot down..

Maybe we can get mommy a tanning bed so she can lay in it each afternoon.
Good Idea Bern, that picture looks like its from the rain forest everything is so green. As I said in the email, I can come up the day of the surgery or the day after. I can also swing up there after work some nights to make some dinner or do some dusting.
This is a good idea Bern.  Perhaps as soon as we get the information about when the surgery will take place we can start compiling a schedule of who can be there when.  Ave, Gay - do you think it is necessary for someone to be there with her before the surgery?  Maybe we won't know the answer to this until you get home and see how she is feeling.  I could come home and go to appointments with her if there isn't too much of a gap between the planning and the surgery.  I would like to be there for that and stay in the hospital with her, even though I have forgotten most of what I know!  I'll do my research and brush up! 

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What is this?

I thought perhaps it would be nice to have a place to put all the info and ideas. And also a place to send people for information instead of us trying to contact everyone - instead they can come to the blog when they want an update. What do you think? The address is All of you siblings, plus Uncle Frank, are invited to write posts.

What's happening?

Liz was released from the hospital in Fort Myers on Tuesday 1/20. Ave is flying down to Florida tomorrow from NJ and will fly back on Friday afternoon with Liz who was released from the hospital in Fort Myers on Tuesday. The full body catheter will be put in in NJ before the valve surgery can take place. More details on the surgery after that procedure.

Doctor, doctor!

This info from Uncle Frank on 1/21/09

R. McBride, MD, Surgical Director of Lung Transplant, comes to Newark Beth Israel Medical Center from the Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL, where he served as Director of Heart Transplantation. Prior to that, Dr. McBride served as Director of Lung Transplantation and Director of Mechanical Circulatory Support at St. Louis University School of Medicine in Missouri.
A renowned surgeon, Dr. McBride is board certified in Surgery and Thoracic Surgery and has been the principle investigator or coinvestigator on many clinical research trials. He is the published author of nearly 100 articles and abstracts and has been a guest reviewer for the Annals of Thoracic Surgery and the American Society for Artificial Internal Organs Journal. He is a featured lecturer nationally and internationally.

Dr. McBride received his medical degree from St. Louis University School of Medicine. He completed a residency in Surgery and Fellowships in Cardiothoracic Research and Cardiothoracic Surgery at St. Louis University Hospital.ride